Sunday, April 21, 2019

Slice of Life: April 19 & 20

   April 19

Today we had no school, and I honestly did nothing. One thing that really made me think was that my dad would get us a dog. I kinda got upset, mostly because I had a bad experience with a dog when I was little, and I felt like getting a dog would make me so busy that it gets in the way of my school work. I was like 4 or something when our dog bit me on my face. We of course don’t have that dog anymore. So my dad said that tomorrow, April 20, we were going to go see some dogs. I was a little nervous, because I was kind of scared that when we got one, it would bite me, or something. <:(
So yeah, I didn’t really do much except watch tv or go on my phone.

  April 20

Today was insane. We actually got a dog. WOW. His name is Tank, and he is part pitbull. So first, it was 3:30 PM, and my mom said to get ready because we were about to go see the dogs. We had to wait, and when we actually got there, at was about 4:00. So when we got there we went into this room, and the instructor told us that she was going to get the dog. So then Tank and the instructor come in, and the instructor introduces him to us. I found out that my dad went there a few days earlier, and he picked this dog for us and thought that he was perfect. So had some toys and he was so friendly. My mom said that we were going to take him home on Monday, but apparently we took him home today. I love him so much, but one thing I’m worried about is how he’ll behave with my parakeets. They’re birds if you didn’t know. Pretty small birds, theyre the size of my hand. So I’ll see how he behaves, and I really can’t wait to bond with him. The sad thing is that on Sunday, we have to leave him. First we have to go to church, then go to a Easter dinner. So he would have to be alone for a couple of hours, but I’m sure he’ll be okay.  :))))

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